Hey Amie, I’m Aus based and received my pre order prints today (they’re stunning!!!) but not the pin or bookplate, but I definitely qualified for the early bird special - is this something I need to follow up with Allen & Unwin?

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I'm so excited to start the book 😁😁

Is there an update for when the preorder items will be sent?

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Eeeeeeeeeeee so keen for this book!! Do we need to show/sign up for anything to receive the map (like how we had to show our receipts for the preorder goodies) or does it come with any copy pre-ordered with QBD?

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Way to crush that hike, Amie! (There’s a creative lesson in here indeed... something about writing being a marathon and not a sprint... about pausing to refill the well when you feel depleted... etc etc) It’s amazing how often approaches to creativity living overlap with plain old regular living, huh?

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Can’t wait!!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ’œ

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