Piranesi is my favourite audiobook, I’ve listened to it 3 times so far. I’m so glad you loved it too.

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I can definitely see a re-listen in my future, and I don't do that often!

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Such a good reminder to rest. I have a local author friend who has been on deadline for 2 years straight with Book 2 and Book 3, then you add in marketing and launching Book 2 while trying to draft an unplanned Book 3. Oof. Definitely not sustainable. If we don't fight for and protect our rest and mental health, the publisher will just keep asking for more.

<3 Best of luck with your unrushed edits

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When I really dig down, I've been on deadline since 2011 -- there's a good reason I have so many thoughts on how to rest and live well!

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Oh my!! Well, I'm glad you've figured out a sustainable process for yourself <3

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I would LOVE to visit Vietnam, so loving this update! I did two months working remotely and traveling in Europe this year, so I loved your sticky note. I had to remind myself of the same thing. And yes, when you're having fun, the hard work doesn't seem so daunting all the time :)

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Vietnam is just fantastic in every respect -- if you ever get the chance, go for it!

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The resting part is SO important! It is a lesson I have to keep learning.

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I think this is why my thoughts on it are quite refined -- definitely a lesson I've practiced and learned repeatedly.

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So glad you're taking care of YOU! That's the priority. The edits can wait, even if it makes me sad if you miss your (now earlier than thought) deadline. Have fun, breathe, and live life! <3

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I'll make the deadline! Working with a whole lot of rest is always so much more efficient than the mad charge to the finish line. This comment, though, is why I know I have the best readers in the world.

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